Inspire the next generation with an all girls' approach They say, ‘If it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you’. At Toorak College, we firmly believe that change is driven by challenge, and this holds true for the world we inhabit. While significant strides have been made toward gender equality in recent decades, our world still grapples with gender disparities. According to data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics, men, on average, earn $263.90 more per week than women. In light of…
How will technological advancements affect careers of the future? Many of today’s occupations will no longer exist by the time this year’s Prep students have finished their education. Having a STEM-skilled workforce is the foundation on which the Australian economy will prosper. Technological advancements continue to accelerate, and skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, analytic capabilities and curiosity are necessary to succeed. "In the last 20 years alone, employment in STEM…