As Director of Amavi Transpire, Paige Harris has built a global wellbeing community offering meditation, movement, and 360 wellbeing experiences to hundreds across the world

How did you find your career path as a Director of your own wellness business?

If we trace this journey all the way back, Amavi began when I was just a small girl, practicing Qi-gong with my dad. It was these early formative years that inspired the pathway I am on today. As time went on, I faced challenges in my home environment, which led to a downward spiral in my physical wellbeing, and as such, felt fatigue and pain in my body for many years. When traditional doctors were unable to support my nervous system, chronic fatigue and healing journey, I felt inspired to educate myself in health and wellbeing.

How has your wellness business Amavi helped others change and enhance their own physical and mental wellbeing?

Those self-learned practices which transformed my life, now help others to achieve this same healing and expansive experience. Amavi offers meditation, movement and 360 wellbeing experiences to members across the world who use my self-built portal just like an app.

Do you specialise in certain demographics?

Currently, I specialise in professional athletes and I am passionate about educating high-performance individuals on how to take restoration and wellbeing with them wherever they go, even into the most busy and challenging moments. Meditation and mindfulness are not exclusive to holidays and time out, rather they include a range of self-regulating practices, which we all can integrate into our micro-moments to create a happier and more balanced body, mind and life.

What lessons have you learned along the way?

My ability to value my impact and having this positively reflect my business financially was one of my greatest lessons, and I encourage all women to explore beyond the limits of society’s conditioning to overcome that. Look beyond what you have grown up believing (with regards to the way you can earn money and how you can feel great) by expanding your awareness to new heights. You set the standards of how you will experience life. Do not let anyone tell you where the bar is, and above all, stand in softness, but hold steady your sense of worth and value.

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